In New York City, known for their philanthropy, Ali Rıza Doğan and Hakkı Akdeniz were joined by two surprise guests in their weekly meal distribution. New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York Consul General Reyhan Özgür participated in the distribution event.
Deniz ÇAĞIL / USA (IGFA) – Ali Rıza Doğan, owner of Ali Baba Restaurant, and Hakkı Akdeniz, owner of Champion Pizza, both with long-established businesses in the United States, are making a charitable contribution in the city center.
Every Wednesday evening, hot meals are distributed from tables set up at the intersection of Manhattan’s 34th Street and 9th Avenue, and anyone who wishes can take them.
The menu includes a stew, rice, dessert, and a beverage. Additionally, Champion Pizza’s pizzas are also available.
Thanks to Two Individuals
Ali Rıza Doğan, who organized the event that lasted approximately one hour, noted that Mayor Eric Adams and New York Consul General Reyhan Özgür have been attending the meal distribution every week and expressed his gratitude to both of them.
In a social media post, Doğan wrote, “Just like every Wednesday, Consul General Reyhan Özgür did not leave us alone this Wednesday either. He personally came and served alongside us. I extend my thanks to him.”