Selahattin Gürkan, the Mayor of Malatya Metropolitan Municipality, visited the construction site of the Malatya Apricot Trading Center. Mayor Gürkan emphasized that important steps will be taken to transform apricots into industrial products with the opening of the Malatya Apricot Trading Center, and that this will increase the income generated from apricots.
MALATYA (IGFA) – The Malatya Apricot Trading Center, located in the Yaka neighborhood of the Yeşilyurt district, will be operational shortly.
The Malatya Apricot Trading Center, which has already become one of Malatya’s and Turkey’s prestigious investments, was initiated and is in the final stages of completion to ensure that apricots receive the rightful place they deserve in the world market and achieve price stability.
The Malatya Apricot Trading Center, which will contribute significantly to the economy of Malatya and the country by increasing the added value of apricots, includes shops, deposit offices, conference halls, laboratories, workspaces, meeting rooms, an apricot museum, and other social facilities.
Mayor Gürkan provided information about the Malatya Apricot Trading Center, stating, “Malatya is an ancient city with its culture and civilization. Also, nearly 80% of the world’s dried apricot trade is produced in our city and exported to approximately 132 countries. A World Apricot Trading Center that befits our city and meets its standards was necessary. After taking office, we needed to build the World Apricot Trading Center in our city as soon as possible due to the inadequacy and dilapidation of the current apricot market. We will soon put into operation a World Apricot Trading Center in Malatya, covering approximately 400 acres of green areas, trading areas, office spaces, bank branches, conference halls, auction areas, and licensed warehouses built to world standards.”
“We are Working to Elevate the Segment of Apricots”
Mayor Gürkan emphasized that significant steps have been taken to increase the added value of apricots, saying, “Our World Apricot Trading Center continues to work on elevating the segment of apricots and diversifying apricot-related products, packaging, and food production, as well as transforming apricots into industrial products in the lower stages. Hopefully, in the future, our efforts will continue to package apricots in various derivatives, obtain nutrients, and transform them into food and industrial products. We strive to ensure that nearly $3 billion of the income generated from apricots remains in our Malatya.”
“All Stages of Apricots will be Displayed in the Apricot Museum”
Describing the Malatya Apricot Trading Center as a massive facility, Mayor Gürkan continued, “We started construction here last year, and despite earthquakes and winter conditions, we completed the construction of our Malatya Apricot Trading Center, with only some landscaping work remaining. There are 1,000 workplaces here, a Reception Center, and an Apricot Museum. In the museum, all stages of apricots will be displayed. An apricot importer from abroad will be able to see all the stages and processes that apricots go through at the Apricot Museum. Indeed, the Malatya Apricot Trading Center is being built to the highest standards of the world segment. During our work, I would like to express my infinite gratitude to our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, our Ministry of Industry and Technology, the Fırat Development Agency, the relevant units of our government, and everyone involved,” he added.