Preparing for European Mobility Week

With just a few days left until European Mobility Week (EMW), which has seen record participation in Turkey over the past three years, celebrated between September 16th and 22nd every year, preparations are in full swing. Various events such as “Car-Free Day,” as well as numerous talks, conferences, and seminars targeting children, youth, and all segments of society, will be organized.

ANKARA (İGFA) – Throughout the week, all municipalities in Turkey and Europe will share their sustainable transportation projects aimed at preserving the future energy of their cities.

European Mobility Week, in which the participation of all municipalities in Turkey is expected, will feature events such as “Car-Free Day,” along with a wide range of talks, conferences, and seminars targeting children, youth, and all segments of society. All municipalities in Turkey can register for the events on the website until September 15th.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) can also register for the events on the same website.

Awareness activities and projects will be carried out by municipalities in Turkey this year under the theme “Explore Your City – Preserve the Future ENERGY!”

While Bilecik Municipality provides bicycle training in schools, Tokat Yeşilyurt Municipality will implement the “Movement Brings Abundance” project. İzmir Metropolitan Municipality will enable environmentally friendly transportation methods, chosen by citizens through the İzmir MOBIX Day IMD project, to generate income, and Kayseri Sarıoğlan Municipality will organize the “Pedaling for Health” event. Hundreds of events and projects will be implemented nationwide in Turkey.

During European Mobility Week, municipalities’ best practices also become permanent. Examples include free parking spaces for annual public transportation ticket holders in Poland, night buses for women everywhere in Spain, the permanent pedestrianization of 100 streets in Paris, and the closure of streets to vehicle traffic on holidays in European cities.

In Turkey, many municipal practices have also become permanent. In Ankara, bicycle racks have been installed on 480 EGO buses.

Bursa Metropolitan Municipality has introduced a “Shared Bicycle System” with seven stations in three areas, including Cumhuriyet Avenue, Mudanya, and Gölyazı. Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality has implemented the KOBİS bicycle rental system, which operates with 73 stations in 12 districts. Mersin Metropolitan Municipality has added new park stations to its 20-kilometer bike lane project. In Uşak, some roads have been permanently closed to vehicle traffic by council decision. Many municipalities across Turkey have implemented permanent projects for sustainable urban transportation.

Municipalities in Turkey interested in applying for European Mobility Week can obtain detailed information and access the registration area by visiting the website

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