Tag: usa

President Biden Announces He Will Not Seek Re-Election

President Biden Announces He Will Not Seek Re-Election

President Joe Biden has announced in a written statement that he will not be seeking re-election in the 2024 Presidential Election. In his letter addressed to the American people, Biden detailed the accomplishments of his presidency and the reasons behind his decision.Achievements During Biden's PresidencyBiden highlighted the significant progress America has made since he took office. "Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We've made historic investments in rebuilding our Nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans," he stated, emphasizing economic and healthcare achievements. He also noted, "We've provided critically needed care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances,...
Turksat 6A was launched into space!

Turksat 6A was launched into space!

Turkey's first domestic and national communication satellite, Turksat 6A, was launched into space last night with a Falcon 9 rocket from SpaceX's launch center in Cape Canaveral in Florida, USA, with the participation of Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure.Minister Uraloğlu said in a statement following the launch of the satellite that the first signal was received at the 67th minute after the separation of Turksat 6A from the rocket, as planned. Stating that they plan to put Turksat 6A into service until the end of this year, Uraloğlu said, "Our satellite continues its journey towards its orbit at 42 degrees east longitude, 35 thousand 786 kilometers away from here. After reaching its orbit, there will be a one-month test period, and at the end of this year,...
Protest in support of Palestine in the US… A motorcade formed and drove around the city!
Current Affairs

Protest in support of Palestine in the US… A motorcade formed and drove around the city!

Hundreds of people, mostly Palestinians, took to the streets in Paterson, New Jersey, a city with a large Muslim population, to protest against Israel. Police remained vigilant throughout the day to ensure the smooth dispersal of the demonstrators who made a convoy of support on Main Street after the press conference organized in the city.Özlem Özgüt YÖREKLİ - abdpost.com / USA (IGFA) - Following the offensive launched by Hamas militants on October 7, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has escalated, killing hundreds and injuring thousands.This situation has led to protests in some parts of the United States, as in many countries around the world.Especially in Paterson, where the Muslim and Arab population is densely populated, demonstrations in support of Palestine were organiz...
The Education System in the USA: An Overview

The Education System in the USA: An Overview

The United States boasts a diverse and multifaceted education system that spans from early childhood education to higher education and beyond. While education is primarily a state matter, there are common structures and principles that define the U.S. education system. This article provides an overview of the key components and features of the education system in the USA. 1. Early Childhood Education (ECE) Early childhood education in the USA typically begins with preschool, which is not mandatory and often privately funded. Public preschool programs, however, are available in some states. Kindergarten is the first formal year of schooling and is widely considered the beginning of compulsory education. Most children start kindergarten at age 5. 2. Elementary School Elementary school typic...
Exploring America’s Most Read Authors: From Life Stories to Bestsellers
Culture and Arts

Exploring America’s Most Read Authors: From Life Stories to Bestsellers

When it comes to the world of literature, the United States has been a fertile ground for some of the most celebrated and widely read authors in history. From timeless classics to contemporary page-turners, American literature has something to offer every reader. In this article, we will take a journey through the lives of these iconic authors, delve into their most popular works, and provide insightful analysis on their impact on American culture. Mark Twain: The Literary Pioneer Along the MississippiThe story begins with the legendary Mark Twain, born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in 1835. Twain's upbringing along the Mississippi River shaped his writing profoundly. His magnum opus, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," stands as a cornerstone of American literature, addressing societal no...