When will the iPhone 15 be released? Has its price and features been announced?

Apple has begun the countdown to unveil its latest iPhone model, the iPhone 15. The tech giant is set to introduce the iPhone 15 on September 12th at its annual fall event. However, the most noteworthy development related to the iPhone 15’s announcement seems to be the transition to USB-C.

The Transition to USB-C and the Role of the European Union

For a long time, Apple has been the only major smartphone manufacturer that did not use USB-C in its devices, sticking with the Lightning connector for its iPhones. However, in September 2021, the European Union passed a law requiring manufacturers to switch to USB-C by December 2024. This law aimed to eliminate the need for consumers to use different chargers for different devices. While Apple initially argued that this law would harm consumers, it is now expected to transition to USB-C well over a year before the deadline.

Apple has been using USB-C for its other products, particularly iPads and MacBooks, for years. However, this feature had not been extended to iPhones until now. Experts believe that Apple does not want to produce different phone models for the European Union and the rest of the world, so they are opting for a global shift to USB-C.

USB-C Transition and User Benefits

The transition to USB-C will offer several significant benefits to users. Here are the advantages of this transition:

  • Single Cable Usage: USB-C will allow users to use a single cable for all their devices. This will eliminate the need for users to carry different chargers for different devices.
  • Higher Data Transfer Speeds: According to Bloomberg, USB-C usage will enable higher data transfer speeds. This will provide a faster and more efficient experience for file transfers and data sharing between devices.

iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro Prices

The price of the iPhone 15 is expected to be similar to the previous model, the iPhone 14. It is estimated that the iPhone 15 will be priced at around $799. This suggests that Apple is aiming to keep the launch price close to that of the previous series.

On the other hand, the iPhone 15 Pro is expected to be offered at a higher price point. It is estimated that the starting price for the iPhone 15 Pro will be $899. It will come with advanced features and technology that are likely to justify the higher price. However, it is important to note that these prices will be applicable in the United States, and prices may vary in different countries due to taxes and local costs.


Apple’s upcoming iPhone 15 and the transition to USB-C have generated significant interest in the tech world. The user benefits of USB-C and the regulations imposed by the European Union seem to have accelerated Apple’s decision to make this change. However, we will have to wait and see how this transition is received worldwide and how quickly users embrace the change.

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